ADK Creative is part of ADK Ltd. A company celebrating 19 years of proactive activity within the design and creative industries.

Company registered in England No. 04488341.

Creative Industries Centre, Dennet House, Middle Street, Taunton, TA1 1SH
07739 631850 


Blog & News

Design, business and marketing news & blog

Knowing what's in and what's not isn't essential to the final design you chose for your solution, but keeping an eye out on what's trending can help you decide whether it's for you or not. Many organisations provide insights into these trends but as Adobe is a leader in design tool provision and services it makes sense to see what they think. So why not take a look at Top Graphic

I love Cambridge Dictionary’s translation of the ‘experience economy’ as ‘an economy in which many goods or services are sold by emphasising the effect they can have on people’s lives’. A simpler way to understand it is Wikipedia’s description: ‘the experience economy argues that businesses must orchestrate memorable events for their customers, and that memory itself becomes the product — the "experience". An experience occurs when a company uses

Reputation is everything, and in marketing terms not all reputable companies have the reputation they claim, but simply market themselves to look reputable. This is about focusing on customers perceptions. Companies can also increase credibility and reputation through association, and with your own associations you can make steps in achieving this. However, these associations need to be maintained and others sought to help build a picture of the company through association. That

We've met and advised many businesses over the decades and you'd be surprised how many have high value expensive items, but seem to sell only a handful of these compared to their lower priced items. For example, you may sell a £80,000 product/service but also sell items that are just a few thousand pounds. To maintain the reputation of the company it is clear that these lower value items are

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